Address: P O Box 11676
Windhoek NAMIBIA
Phone: +264 81 122 0090
Fax2Mail: +264 86 298 3203
EMail: Send us mail
Director: Edgar V Naude
This extensive 14 day practical programme is an ideal entry level programme to introduce any prospective Field Guide or school leaver to the Namibian Field Guiding Industry. The programme is normally presented in the remote wilderness of the Zambezi Region but can also be custom designed for a particular Namibian geographical region. This programme is also ideal for anyone seeking a two week “bush experience”, away from the hustle and bustle of the modern cities.
This is an extensive theoretical and practical programme designed to fully equip prospective Field Guides with the knowledge and practical experience to enter the industry at full speed. The programme is 6 weeks long and based in the Wilderness area of the Zambezi Region of Namibia. The programme is inclusive of a number of recognised Tour Guide qualifications as listed on the Namibia Qualifications Framework as well as the Dangerous Animal Approach – Professional programme.
This 10 day programme is designed to equip existing guides or prospective guides with previous guiding experience with the knowledge of how to approach potentially dangerous animals by vehicle, boat and also on foot. This programme consists of a theoretical component and an intense practical component. A fair level of fitness will be required for this programme.
This 7 day programme is specifically designed around photographers and general members of the public interested in approaching potentially dangerous animals by vehicle. No previous guiding experience is required. This programme consists of a theoretical component and a practical which is vehicle based.
This is a tri-level course presented in conjunction with a qualified weapons expert and instructor. The three levels are completed separately and contain not only an extensive theory component but also an intense “live round” practical on a “combat” range designed for just that purpose. Certification for this component is as per industry standard required for advanced rifle handling for field guides. Groups are kept small to allow for individual attention and thorough safety. Weapons and ammunition will be available for the practical side of the course meaning that you do not have to go out and buy a rifle to participate.
Tailor made courses made to suit an individual Lodge or a Conservancy’ needs can be custom made for a specific geographical region of Namibia. All aspects of Field Guiding can be included and a duration and price can be agreed.
Subjects that can be offered include “ Anti-Poaching”, “Customer Care”, “Geography and Geology”, “History”, “Flora”, “Fauna”, “Birds”, “The Night Sky” and subjects such as “Area Specific – Etosha, Namib Desert, Southern Namibia, Northern Namibia, Zambezi and the Kalahari”.
As the name suggests this course is an “Introduction” to the world of photography. This course consists of a very intense theoretical and technical component and is presented in one and a half days. We deal with how to use your camera. Which button, knob and menu does what. Understanding the theories of F-stops, ISO’s, White Balances and focal distances and planes. What setting to use when and which combination works the best with the Namibian conditions. The course is entirely of a practical nature and suited for both old and young.
This course is the follow-on of the “Introduction to Photography” course. It is far less technical and deals with the creative side of the subject. Here we look at an image composition and the creative side of photography. This course is also entirely of a practical nature and suited for old and young.
This course is a one day only and deals with the theory of photo manipulation. We explore the functions of all the tool bars and dropdowns. We look at what does what and look at a number of examples of “How did you do that?” On the practical side we do a number of exercises in “cleaning up” your photos, saving them in various formats, storing and copyright. We look at what tutorials are available within the various programmes and on the internet. These three courses are presented in various centres around Namibia and the pricing includes course and venue only. All photographic equipment needs to be provided by the participant.
Is an adventure designed to provide guests with a learning experience which incorporates certain aspects of the six week “Nature Guiding – Dangerous animals Field Guide course”. The course is aimed primarily at those who are looking for a more in depth “bush experience” but who may not have the time to break away for a full six weeks from their busy work obligations to attend a full length course. The experience is divided into two components. The first being a learning phase, in which we concentrate on the elements of nature, both big and small and their interrelated ecology. The second component is the experience of seeing this interrelatedness taking place through walkouts, game and boat drives. Experiencing some of the daily activities of a field guide.
Edgar is a CATHSETTA Level 4 Biome and Trails Guide with specialisation in Tourist Guide Training, Dangerous Animal Approach, Advanced Rifle Handling, Desert and Elephant Guiding.
Su Naude boasts a 30 year career in Education specializing in Art and Remedial English. She is an examiner, chief marker and moderator in both Senior Art and English for The Ministry of Higher Education and Culture.
The company is rooted as far back as 2011 when Edgar Naude left the construction and manufacturing industry to take up his passion of field guiding. Having facilitated and guided numerous specialized tours and safaris throughout Southern Africa in the past 15 years it was time to turn this passion into a business. A stint at managing an upmarket lodge in the Zambezi region as well as being the Director of Training for a Windhoek based company led to the founding of NatureCampus.
The focus of the company is in specific training to the guiding industry, particularly in the area of Field Guiding with an emphasis on lodge, conservancy and community guide training. Site specific training packages tailor made to your geographical area, lodge or guiding requirement.
The founding members of the company are Edgar, Su and Vincent Naude. A family business with each member in his own specialised field.
NatureCampus’s accreditation with the Namibian Authorities is currently in collaboration with Training institutions, such as NATH (Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality) in Namibia and The Nature College in South Africa.
Address: P O Box 11676
Windhoek NAMIBIA
Phone: +264 81 122 0090
Fax2Mail: +264 86 298 3203
EMail: Send us mail
Director: Edgar V Naude